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Here we offer dozens or practical tools and aids that you are free to use with your clients. These tools help facilitate day-to-day practice activities such as onboarding. As these are offered exclusively to you, our members, we ask that you do not disseminate them to non-members. Note: Lew Stern’s copyright must be maintained on all tools.

Tools for Strategic Coaching Sessions

In this MasterClass: Tools for Strategic Coaching Sessions, you will find helpful resources and tools developed by Lew Stern PhD and Senior Advisor to the Institute that focus on helping the leader to:

  • Tap into their passion, imagination, and creativity to be able to develop the possibilities and vision for their business.
  • Shift a leader’s focus from short-term and tactical to more strategic- A longer-term and bigger-picture view of their organization.
  • Develop a leader’s skills to “paint” a clear and motivating picture of their vision and strategy (for their work force, customers, and other key supporters and stakeholders).
  • Help a leader and/or leadership team build skills and an effective process to develop and implement their strategic plan.

Communication Coaching Tools


In this MasterClass: Communication Coaching Tools, you will find helpful resources and tools developed by Lew Stern PhD, Senior Advisor to the Institute of Coaching. There are six coaching tools to use in order to help clients build their communication skills. The scope of these ranges from those focusing on micro skills, the arc of ideal communication and feedback. Together these tools can help us when we work with clients to increase their self-awareness and capacity to shift their habits when receiving and communicating information. The specific tools and guidelines include:


Coaching Institute Management Software Serial Key Generator

  • The Funneling Technique Communication Feedback Tool
  • Feedback Planning Tool
  • False Assumptions about Giving Feedback & Feedback Planning Worksheet
  • Video Coaching Process Guide and Baseline Self-Observation Guide
  • Presentation Preparation Worksheet: From Information to Evoked Response
  • Management Checklist of Information to Share with Key Constituents

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  • See all Coaching Tools.
  • See all Assessment Research resources.