Aax To Mp3 Freeware

  • Download Aax to Mp3Free converter here:https://github.com/adrifcastr/OSAC/releases/tag/v3.0.
  • Convert AA/AAX Audiobooks to M4A/M4B/MP3. Audible adopts the proprietary AA & AAX format to distribute the audio files from its library. If you’d like to listen to Audible audios on an MP3 player, you’ll need to convert the AA/AAX audiobooks to MP3 format. TunePat Any Audiobook Converter is specially designed for converting AA/AAX.

Now free download this powerful program from below and start to convert Apple Music, Audible AAX, AAX+, AA and iTunes M4B audiobook to MP3, M4A, FLAC, AAC, AC3, AU, AIFF and more with no quality loss.

What is AAX format? The file with the AAX extension is the data file format that associated with the Audible enhanced format. The AAX format is an exclusive audiobook format developed by Audible.com while the AAX file is multimedia digital audiobook which includes images, links, videos and timeline. Also, the AAX format can be assumed the enhanced format of AA which is the old audiobook format developed by Audible. Compared with AA, AAX format has higher bit rate of 64Kbps and takes larger space. Consequently, AAX format has higher sound quality because it is “uncompressed” feature. That’s why nowadays that more and more audiobook lovers choose to download the Audible audiobooks to AAX. In this article, I will introduce how to convert AAX to MP3 on Windows 10. This method is also applied to other windows system, like Windows 7 and Vista system. If you also have Mac computer, you will be interested in the easiest way to convert aax to mp3 on mac.

Part 1. Why Convert AAX to MP3?

Although AAX files have been popular among audiobook lovers, they are only can be played on limited Audible compatible devices or apps. For detailed information of audible compatible devices, please check the below table.

Audible compatible Devices
  • Kindle Oasis (8th, 9th Gen)
  • Kindle (8th Gen)
  • Fire Tablets
  • Kindle Keyword & Kindle Touch
  • Kindle Fire
  • Sandisk MP3 Players
  • Creative MP3 Players
  • Garmin & Tom Tom GPS Devices
  • Windows and Mac computers (sorry Linux users!)
  • Audible app is available on iOS, Android, and Windows 10

If you want to listen to your Audible audiobook on Sony MP3 player or listen when you are driving, but you happen to have none of above listed devices? Now if you have the Audible in mp3 format, you will soon break through this dilemma as the MP3 format is the most common used audio format and can be played on almost all popular players. Converting AAX in MP3 is the best solution in many cases.

Part 2. Download Audible to AAX Windows 10

Windows 10 is the most popular system for Windows computer. Here are two ways to download Audible AAX to Windows 10.

Method 1. Download Audible AAX to Windows 10 via Audible Download Manager

Step 1. Go to the library page of Audible.com. Since you want to download the AAX format, go to the Audio quality option, and select 'Enhanced' at the drop down list. If you have choosen 'Format 4' as the download format, the downloaded audible books will be in AA format.

Aax To Mp3 Freeware

Step 2. Then click on 'Download' button to download the Audible books. But you will get a file with the extension .adh instead of the .aax.

Step 3. Download and install Audible Download manager which is a program that assists in downloading audiobooks from Audible website. This is a must-have software if you want to download Audible audiobooks from the website to your Windows computer. When this software has been installed, click the .adh files to download the Audible audiobooks.

When the Audible audiobooks have been downloaded, click on 'Download folder' to open the folder stored the downloaded Audible aax files.

Note: You can also download audible to aax format on windows 7 & 8 by this method. That means you can use the following method to convert aax to mp3 on windows 7 & 8.

Method 2. Download Audible AAX to Windows 10 via Audible for Windows 10 Desktop Application

Unlike other Windows system, Audible has released a unique version for Windows 10. Therefore, you can download Audible aax to Windows via the Audible for Windows 10 desktop application.

Step 1 Go to the Windows store and type 'Audible' into the search bar and select 'Audiobooks from Audible'.

Then click on 'Get“ button to install this software to your Windows 10.

Step 2 Launch Audible for Windows 10 application, and go to the library. Click the download arrow to download the Audible audiobooks.

Step 3 When the audiobook has been downloaded, go to the settings>> Downloads>>click 'Open Download location in File Explore' to reach the download aax files.

As you can see from the above picture that you can enable the 'Standard quality'. No matter you enable 'standard quality' or not, audible books you downloaded will be in aax format.

Method 3. Download Audible AAX to Windows 10 via AudibleSync

AudibleSync is a new downloading app released by Audible.com. It works on Windows 10 & 8.

Step 1. Download AudibleSync.

Step 2. Run Audible Sync and login to it with your Audible account. Go to the Audiblesync library, click 'Download' button besides the audible book to download your audible books. Once finished, the “Download' button will disappear.

These are three different ways to download Audible books on Windows 10, 8 and 7. I bet you can download your audible books successfully now, but do you know where these downloaded audible books stored on your computer? If you any difficulties on finding your downloaded audible books, just check where are audible books stored.

Convert Aax To Mp3 Online

Part 3. How to Convert AAX to MP3 Windows 10

Since you have already downloaded the Audible aax files, it comes to converting AAX to MP3. Here I will introduce the easiest way to convert AAX to MP3 on Windows 10.

First of all, please download and install the Ultimate tool--Epubor Audible Converter which is the best Audible DRM Removal as well as audible aax converter. It enables you to convert aax to mp3 within seconds with the original quality preserved. Please remember Epubor Audible Converter works on both Windows and Mac.

Launch Epubor Audible Converter, and then drag and drop the Audible aax files you have downloaded to your Windows 10.

Then select 'convert to mp3' as the output format from the drop-down list.

Click on 'Convert to MP3' button to start the conversion. When the conversion has finished, the folder storing the converted mp3 file will pop up automatically.

Bonus Tips: Split Audible into Chapters and Edit Metadata of Audible Books

Tip 1: Fastest way to convert aax to mp3

I guess you guys may have converted your audible aax to mp3 already. I know some of you may cannot stand the long time waiting for the conversion process as we all known that conversion is a time consuming process. For this kind of reader, here comes the bonus tip you may be interested in.

As I have mentioned that there is another audible format AA, this format is actually the MP3 with the encryption. So if you have downloaded the audible books in AA format(Format4), the conversion process is the same as the audible drm removing process which will only take a few seconds. I am definitely sure this tip will save you a lot time. Just try it now!

Updated 08/12/2020: We are sincerely sorry to inform you that Audible has discontinued the aa format. So the enhanced format(.aax format) is the only format that you can get from audible.com.

Tip 2: Split aax into chapters & Edit metadata

If you are intending to split audible into chapters, Epubor Audible Converter can be the most perfect tool. When you drag audible book into Audible Converter, just click on 'Option' button at the end of the book title. Then select 'Split by chapters' and click on 'OK' button. Go back to the main interface of Audible converter and then click on ”Convert to mp3' button. When the conversion finished, the files you get will not be a whole audiobook but mp3 audiobooks in chapters.

Do you want to customize your audible books? Epubor Audible Converter enables to edit your audible metadata including: title, album, artist, copyright, year, genre and comments.

Aax To Mp3 Free

Tip 3: Convert AAX to M4B on Windows

Aax To Mp3 Program Free

Compared with mp3, m4b audiobooks allow you to store digital bookmarks which make it easier for you to jump to the point where you last left off. And also the m4b format is more suitable than mp3 for an Apple device like iPhone, iPod, iPad or MAC since it's specially used by iTunes to store audiobooks. Follow this guide to convert Audible aax/aa to m4b: Ultimate Way to Convert Audible to M4B [Infographic]. Great to share is converting AAX to M4B will only need 1 minute. You can just download the Audible Converter now to see if this Audible Converter can do it or not.

Convert Aax To Mp3 Freeware

It is easy to convert Audible aax to mp3 on Windows 10 computer. If you are curious about converting aax2mp3 on mac, please read the easiest way to convert aax to mp3 on mac.

Download Epubor Audible Converter

Iris Yan joined Epubor since 2017. She always wants to share everything related to ebook reading and improve your reading journey.